SEO Versus Yellowpages

Before you ask what the professionals say, ask yourself one simple question… when was the last time YOU picked up the Yellow Pages in order to look for a business?  If that made you pause for a moment, ask yourself… what has taken its place?  The only answer that seems to ever pop up is Google.

This is the strongest reason to ensure that Search Engine Optimization is the foundation of all your company’s online marketing campaigns on an ongoing basis.  Social Media, Pay Per Click/SEM and a properly developed website design all play an important role in your online success as well, but SEO is key since this is the element that determines what a user sees when they discard the Yellow Pages in favour of a search on the internet for your specific product or service.

If you don’t have the time or the expertise to take on the intricacies of a Search Engine Optimization project and make sure it is successful, take a moment to contact Advanced Web Solutions.  We’re located in Elmira, Ontario so we are ideally situated to meet with SEO clients in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph and all surrounding areas.

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