
Leaving A Mobile Google Review

Google, the ‘boss of the internet’, loves to see reviews of your local business – done properly of course, but how can you maximize the number of positive reviews for your company and help improve your Local SEO?

First step is that you must encourage your customers to leave a Google review.  Don’t leave it to them to do this.  They must be encouraged to do so.  An incentive isn’t necessary and certainly isn’t advised, but there are businesses that do offer this.  There are pros and cons to do so.  If done right, it won’t cost you much and it can be effective.

Secondly, the closer to the actual sale they leave a review, the more likely they are to actually do this.  Strike when the iron is hot so to speak.  They just bought from you – there’s no better time to build on that new found trust/relationship.

The third point falls in line with #2 in so much that the closer to the sale that the review leaves a review, the more likely that the customer will leave a positive review; and since they just made a purchase, they are more likely to have a positive feeling about their investment/purchase and this will be reflected in their post.  Also, the greater the time lapse between purchase and review, the greater the chances to find fault or have buyer’s remorse.  Finally, if a user did post a positive review right out of the gate, they are less likely to go back on this and post a negative follow up.

In order to improve how quickly a customer posts a review depends on the ease of leaving that review and utilizing their smartphone/mobile device exponentially increases the likelihood of them leaving a review.

Whitespark is a leader in Local SEO and has a great article on getting users to leverage their mobile devices to post a review of your company.

On a side note, if you are encouraging your users to leave a review from their mobile device, you are opening yourself up to them checking you out online and as of April 21st, if your website design isn’t considered mobile friendly in Google’s eyes, you may be severely penalized… but that is a topic for another day.


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