SEO Analysis Form

General Information

Company (required)

Business Address

Address 1 (required)

Address 2

City (required)

Zip/Postal code (required)

Phone (required)

Website (required)

Contact Name (required)

Email Address (required)

Marketing Information

Business Category 1 (required)
(How would your business be categorized in a phone book?)

Business Category 2

Business Category 3

Have you claimed your Google Places page?

Do you have access to your Google Places listing/login?

Duplicate content?
(Do you have the exact same text on more than one place on the web (press releases, more than 1 website, same info on multiple pages within your website, etc.)?)


Priority Product/Service 1 (required)
(Please specify your products or services in order of priority.)

Priority Product/Service 2

Priority Product/Service 3

Additional Notes
(Do you have additional information about your top priority products or services? Please educate us!)

Target Market Information

Target country other than where you are based?

Target City 1

Target City 2

Target City 3

Additional Geo Targeting Information
(Please specify any additional details about your geographic target market.)

Keyword Research Information

Dream Keyword (required)
(Keywords are what your potential clients would type into the search engines to find you. Within reason, what would be your #1 dream keyword to rank for.)

Additional Keywords

# of keywords you'd like to target

Seed Keywords (required)
(To help us with our keyword research direction, please provide us with a list of the top (at least 10) keywords you believe people search to find your company.)

Who do you feel is your largest online competitor?
(Please enter the domain name of your top keyword competitor.)

Additional Keyword Research Notes


What do you currently spend on SEM/PPC/AdWords?

Have you done a SEO campaign previously?
(If you have previously had SEO work done please tell us about it, provide as much detail as you can.)

What did you spend on it?

What other types of marketing are you engaged in?

What budget amount have you set aside for SEO?
please provide us a rough budget based on the services you are requesting
