
Do I Need A Mobile Website?

If you realize that having a traditional website is a critical piece of your online marketing presence, then yes, your prospective customers are most likely telling you that you need a proper mobile website as well.

In yester year, there were only a few ways to advertise your business to the masses.  Today the options that consumers have today are almost limitless.  That isn’t to say that the marketing basics aren’t valid anymore, but, the decision of what marketing mediums to utilize are more convoluted than ever before and need constant evaluation.

Having a mobile website is quickly becoming an important element to your consumer so it should become an important element of your business’ internet market strategy.  Here are some statistics to show you what your prospective customer is doing in regards to mobile phone usage:

  1. Google does well over 1 billion searches per day
  2. Almost 1 in 5 searches are done on a mobile device in the US
  3. 25% of all mobile searches have local intent in the US
  4. Mobile searches are projected to grow by 50+ each year for the foreseeable near future

If you don’t do what your customers expect you to do, how long can you stay competitive?  You can’t make your customers, and prospective customers do what you want them to.  If you try to, all they will do is go to your competitors.

A mobile website generally isn’t meant to house all the information that your regular website does simply because the habits, goals or reasons that a consumer uses a mobile website are different than a desktop user.  Because of this, you need to understand what a consumer wants/will want from you while on the go and then modify what is on your website and how it is displayed to appease them.

Remember, consumers want things as instantaneously as possibly today so if you aren’t easy to deal with, your competition is just a few clicks away.

If you are considering the move towards a mobile website here are the items Advanced Web Solutions suggests:

  1. Do you have proper analytics and have you done proper search engine optimization on your traditional website?  If not, this is imperative.  If you have done some SEO, feel free to contact us to get an evaluation of your current situation.
  2. Assess your current situation and truly evaluate the needs of the consumer to see if it is actually necessary.  Generally the pricing is quite affordable so take this into consideration as well.  If it only a few hundred dollars to do a mobile site, it is probably well worth the investment today
  3. Try to streamline the information that is found on your primary website down to its core elements and items that are more important.

When it comes time to evaluate where you are in regards not only to your current website, but where you would like to be with a mobile website, feel free to contact us to discuss.



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