Value Opportunity Missed for Digital Marketing Spend

November 22, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Receiving value for any aspect of your business is vital.  Your Digital Marketing is no different.  On its own, Digital, or Online Marketing is an ever expanding field that encompasses things such as Search Engine Optimization, inventory marketplace proliferation, email marketing, SEM, conversion analysis, website design/development, etc., etc.  Recently I was doing some work for a company who had the opportunity to move equivalent spend from print to digital and decided not to.

I was shocked with their decision.  It is almost 2014 isn’t it???

Attacking SEO the Right Way

November 15, 2013 at 10:39 pm

SEO has the primary goal of driving traffic to a specific website or webpage but the approach that one takes in achieving this end goal has changed over time to one that is far more user-centric.


Blogging on

October 2, 2013 at 11:29 am

Using a free blog service, such as, is of very little value to a business and its Search Engine Optimization efforts to push its website to the top of various Google searches for various products and/or services that it offers.


What Should a SEO Program Include? – Part 8

July 31, 2013 at 1:26 pm

SEO Friendly Website Design

Website Design, if not properly done according to proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a complete waste of both time and money.

Those businesses that don’t fully understand just how powerful a properly developed SEO friendly website is, fall into two categories: 1) those that worry about how attractive their website design is; and, 2) those that want a website as inexpensively as possible.

What Should a SEO Program Include? – Part 7

May 23, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Analysis of your SEO Program

Because you initially set out the goals of your Search Engine Optimization project you will now want to determine if this SEO thing has been worth it to your business since your internet marketing dollar can be spent in several different ways.

What Should a SEO Program Include? – Part 6

May 13, 2013 at 11:12 am

Website Links-Backlinks

In the not so recent past you could simply hire/buy X number of backlinks and you could dominate your competition.  The more links you had the higher you’d rank.  Then search engines started to take into account the quality of the sites linking to your site.  As Google’s algorithm gained sophistication, they were more easily, and with greater accuracy, the true nature and quality of each link.  It call came to a head in 2012 with the Panda update from Google.  Then all heck hit the proverbial fan!

What Should a SEO Program Include? – Part 5

May 6, 2013 at 10:42 pm

Content Development

As we mentioned in part 4, proper Search Engine Optimization keyword research & analysis is extremely important, but unless there is effective SEO content developed to back them up, your SEO program isn’t going to see the results that it should.

What should a SEO program include? – part 4

April 1, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Proper Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimization is similar to real estate where they say that there are three things to keep in mind… location, location, location.  When it comes to SEO in Kitchener (SEO in Ontario, or anywhere else in the surrounding area of Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph or otherwise), it is all about keywords, keywords, keywords.

What should a SEO program include? – part 3

March 22, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Technical Website Analysis

Don’t mistake a Technical Website Analysis as being the same thing as professional Website design/development.  Your website is the foundation, for not only SEO, but for all of your internet marketing efforts.  This makes taking an in-depth look at your website from a technical perspective is an absolute necessity and is the first element of three to ensure that a proper Search Engine Optimization project will actually work.

What should a SEO program include? – part 2

March 18, 2013 at 12:14 am

Evaluate Needs and Set Online Goals

Search Engine Optimization and other forms of online marketing are no different than any other expenditure your business invests in.  If your business has a need/goal, you then search for a solution according to your expectations of achieving that goal.  You can then make the determination whether or not it will be worth making that specific purchase/investment.