Tag Archives: proper SEO

Buy What You Want or Need

Makes sense doesn’t it?  If your business wants or needs a particular product, service or approach to solve a specific business requirement, you’d think that is what you’d buy.  When it comes to SEO, SEM or other Internet/Digital Marketing initiatives, you probably didn’t or won’t actually do that when push comes to shove.

So You Could Do That Yourself Eh?

I recently met with a client who we did a new logo for.  As we worked through various iterations of potential logos, the client eventually settled on a very simple, yet professional looking logo.  After making the selection, they stood back and said, “You know, I could have done that.” (as it was essentially text based)

Basic SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has some basic elements that the smallest business can utilize for the benefit of their online presence if they have the time and a tiny bit of working knowledge of their website.

Myth #6: Having A Website Means Customers Will Find Me

I laugh every time I see a Go Daddy commercial where the insinuation is that all a business needs is a website to take the online world by storm.  All of a sudden, just because you have a website, prospective customers will magically find your business, instead of your competition, and buy your products/services.

Apparently Search Engine Optimization means nothing because of the billions of webpages on the internet, prospective customers will just magically find you and not your competition!?!

If it were only that easy.

SEO Myth #5: Multiple Domains Improve Rankings

Google limits organic search results to a total of 10 per page.  Generally, they tend to hold a domain to holding 2 of those spots.  Simple math says that if you had 5 well ranking domains, through proper SEO, that you could take over the entire first page of a search.

Simple math USED to work in the world of SEO.

SEO Myth #4 – Black Hat SEO Works

Essentially ‘Black Hat SEO’ is utilizing techniques to improve rankings that aren’t search engine ‘approved’, or aren’t done in the spirit of what the search engines are looking for.

Black Hat SEO actually does work – so who cares what Google says?

Successful SEO Company Claims

I love coming across customers who have a web design company doing their SEO.  Generally I get to laugh until it hurts.  Unfortunately, the real hurt is to the company that they’ve ‘helped’.

SEO Myth #1 – Importance of Meta Tags

In the early days of Search Engine Optimization, you could get away with simply altering the meta data within your website and you could then consider you website ‘Optimized’.  The days of one stop SEO are long gone – but unfortunately many SEO companies still sell clients on techniques that simply don’t work anymore.


Attacking SEO the Right Way

SEO has the primary goal of driving traffic to a specific website or webpage but the approach that one takes in achieving this end goal has changed over time to one that is far more user-centric.
